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What a difference a good dine out has made? I can tell you, it was certainly divine. Danny and I went out for a good dinner tonight as this will be the last time we meet before the end of the year and it's a good time to do some good catch up.
He has always been one person that you can't go wrong with the food and the restaurant he choose. Danny knows all the good food around; Chinese; French;Japanese even pub meal... you name it. So today we went to St. Tropez, a French restaurant. Which has been situated in Parnel for a long time, well at least before my time.
First we walked in with no booking. I was actually a bit worry that they might have to turn us away and have to bring away an 'snobby' face with us. Only then she said she can offer us a table and we have to give it back to them in an hour time. I was thinking, "that's fair enough, as we have not make any booking"
We took about 10mins to decide what's for entree; main and dessert as well as wine, without any forcing pressure from the restaurant manager. Danny and I have been extremely co-operative and taken just enough time to taste our entree. We have chicken liver and French baked snails for entree.... There's only word to describe the taste of these both... exqusite! The chicken liver pate just melt in my mouth... hhmm....
Then come our main course, I have lamb cassarole and Danny has eye fillet steak long with merlot red wine. The combination was good, the first taste of the potatoe mashed was so yummy. All this time, the waitresses has never come and look at our table and see whether or not we have finished and making us feeling uncomfortable. It's then when it's almost dessert time and I don't want to drag on for too long as our one hour almost up and I know if I am the manager the last thing that I want to happen in my restaurant is to have people turn up and not able to have their table ready. So I have asked to have our dessert being served while I nibbling away my lamb cassarole.
Our dessert was French traditional apple pie. First the pastry, it's soft in the middle and crsipy around the side. Then then apple, was not too sweet and have a hint of apple sour which goes really well with the sauce that it serves with. The manager came around and said we can have another 15mins so we don;t have to rush off with the dessert.
So when we went and pay our bill and used the Entertainment card which will give us a 25% discount. The manager kindly said to us that she is sorry that she has to rush us and will not take the discount off from the card (as this is a one-off per card) and instead she gave us a personal 25% discount.
I told her that the whole experience dining in the restaurant was really good. We really enjoyed the food and thanks her for squeezing us in.
Well, you can;t really blame me for being prejudice her for being one of the snobby-up-market restaurant manager who can just get really shitty with us. As I have TOO many far TOO many bad experience with even the best restaunrant in town. But sorry miss manager I was wrong.
So St. Tropez, one good restaurant to dine in and it has given me a happy big smile on my face after a long day at work.
P.S: My mood is getting better... the ants that I have complained before is getting less and less.... thanks to the ants killer that I have bought in supermarket. ALSO... a day closer to HOME TIME. ^o^ Can't wait to see my family again... esp. Little Ariel.
It was just a nice happy morning, packed up my stuff and left home to go to work. At the back of my mind, I kept on t
hinking "oh yes, not long to go until I am back to my homeland." Not like it was a long time ago since I was back. But it was always nice to be with my family again.
Just a normal day with normal tedious trackers and emails to follow up. On top of that, there were chasing boss around and asking for directions for some emergency remedy on new customers' accont. All of a sudden I felt as if someone had poked something hard on my back, as I turned around there was this big knife stabbed through.
This email was from my big boss who never or hardly come intervene with what we do. Then from my own bossy asking why are we holding up contracts. There was a big "HUH?!?!??!" came out from me as isn't that I am the only person with access to these contracts? "WHY DOESN'T THE SALES MANAGER COMES AND TALK TO US? INSTEAD WENT ALL THE WAY UP TO BIG BOSS?" This has got to get real mad, when I said mad... I mean MAD!
So I politely fired off an email then Toni came back and think this is rediculous and fired off an novel long email to bossy. Not that I didn't do my bit, as I have already informed the sales team that they can come to me with anything urgent to approved cause I was really busy and caughgt up with new product and they said it was alright.
Mad is the only word to describe how I feel.
Moral of the story:
1) Some people can just do anything to acheive what they want to, that includes putting someone in a really uneasy situation.
2) Who works with you with and have a conflict of interest- they are not your friends; you are not there to make friends.
3) Rude people-deserve less respects.
4) Try to please your boss without deprive yourselve.
5) Always stand up for yourselves. Never let people take advantage of you.
6) Always covers your back, be sure that you have done everything to covered and not letting other people come back and bite your bottom.
7) When time is a bit rough and tough try taking deep breath before fire off all the nasty words that first come to you mind. Be civilised.
8) Isn't everyone was just live with different masks. You can change your mask at different time of the day in front of different people.
9) Stop moaning and start doing some real work.
10) Smile even though you heart is crying...
Yesterday social club at work has organised laser strike night. I SUCK! Big time... I think if I'm going to a war I will be dead by the second I walk in. Being shot not by one but being surrounded by two people and not able to run... >.< It was a fun game after all. There were 9 of us... we have five in the team coz four ladies with one guy and two games. Well, we have improved from the first game though... hehehe... I sweat a lot and it was so much fun.... but I just realised what I have bring with me out of laser strike.
Today as I walk down the stair, we heard someone sobbing at the stairway. This is very unusual then Sam stopped and I stopped as we hope nothing serious happened like someone injured or mental break-down.
Then this sobbing voice "I love you I love you..." she kept on saying the same thing over and over again, trying so hard to get the message across to the receiver's end. Then she said "Nooo..." with the sobbing... She have tried to keep the voice down, but too upset the weeping got louder.
I have no idea what happen there, but I can feel her. Why she kept saying "I Love you" is that because she has nothing else to say, she might have said all the stuff that she said before and the receiver never accepted it. So she said "I love you" and hopefully he gets the meaning... LOVE means: "I can do anything for you."
" You know I mean it. Eventhough you are saying things hurting me I still love you... "
As I walked back to my car, my heart ached. She sounded helpless she sounded despair...
If a man makes you cry and sob like this, he does not worth it.