It was just a nice happy morning, packed up my stuff and left home to go to work. At the back of my mind, I kept on t
hinking "oh yes, not long to go until I am back to my homeland." Not like it was a long time ago since I was back. But it was always nice to be with my family again.
Just a normal day with normal tedious trackers and emails to follow up. On top of that, there were chasing boss around and asking for directions for some emergency remedy on new customers' accont. All of a sudden I felt as if someone had poked something hard on my back, as I turned around there was this big knife stabbed through.
This email was from my big boss who never or hardly come intervene with what we do. Then from my own bossy asking why are we holding up contracts. There was a big "HUH?!?!??!" came out from me as isn't that I am the only person with access to these contracts? "WHY DOESN'T THE SALES MANAGER COMES AND TALK TO US? INSTEAD WENT ALL THE WAY UP TO BIG BOSS?" This has got to get real mad, when I said mad... I mean MAD!
So I politely fired off an email then Toni came back and think this is rediculous and fired off an novel long email to bossy. Not that I didn't do my bit, as I have already informed the sales team that they can come to me with anything urgent to approved cause I was really busy and caughgt up with new product and they said it was alright.
Mad is the only word to describe how I feel.
Moral of the story:
1) Some people can just do anything to acheive what they want to, that includes putting someone in a really uneasy situation.
2) Who works with you with and have a conflict of interest- they are not your friends; you are not there to make friends.
3) Rude people-deserve less respects.
4) Try to please your boss without deprive yourselve.
5) Always stand up for yourselves. Never let people take advantage of you.
6) Always covers your back, be sure that you have done everything to covered and not letting other people come back and bite your bottom.
7) When time is a bit rough and tough try taking deep breath before fire off all the nasty words that first come to you mind. Be civilised.
8) Isn't everyone was just live with different masks. You can change your mask at different time of the day in front of different people.
9) Stop moaning and start doing some real work.
10) Smile even though you heart is crying...
Happy Chinese New Year – Year of Cow Cow
HIiii!! Happy new year to all my friends. Knowing that there won’t be alot
of New Year’s celebrations or even the “feel” of it. Please allow me to
present ...
16 years ago
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