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I'm feeling anxious, cause I might be running out of time.
Still waiting for some sort of feedback...
Wait wait... be patience...
When your planned journey has to come to a stop.... because you are stuck?
I have planned and I have looked forward to. When you thought everything will turn out to be fine and go as plan, other issues will start popping up. Most of the time it's not even your problem, it's always someone else's.
So why the heck has now become my own problem?
Just when you think you are having a nice jounrney...
something happened:
Car stuck in the mud and you can't really do anything until someone come and help you. Honestly, if Im that guy, I would have no idea how to walk away with a smile on the face.
I think this is what I should learn..."smile even if it turns sh$T, coz eventually it will work out..."
I think I need icy cold water, just feeling all "grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr................." inside...
Everything and anything that can move or can't move is a needle in my eyes!!
This show is cracking me up!
Malaysian Dreamgirl :
Well you can say this is somewhat the Malaysian version of "American Next Top Model" However, the show has a strong taste of American Idol, with the set-up of the audition room; judges to some nasty comments.
But this show really gives you some insight of what Malaysian girls look like and we have a good mix of races too. Also, you can tell that Education in Malaysia seem to be very important, say, if they are doing their studies in university/graduated that will be the highlight of the introduction. Whereas, the one that maybe not doing any tertiary study they will emphasise on how they passion about being modelling. Sadly but truly, they have a very limited knowledge on the modelling industry.
I don't spend a lot of time in M'sia so this show is good for me so I can get to know more about the celebrity society in Msia. Jimmy, one of the judge, he seems very professional and veeeryyy nice and sweeet. :)
Not an angry teenager and certainly have never been one...
But when you are down and emotional then you feel like everyone turns their back on you.
Life has never been easy especially when emotional strikes. I remember when I was at my "sorta" angry teenager years, I have asked my sister about a question "Is it possible that ones can stopped their emotions through surgery?" She said might be possible, from her studies the brain text book has stated that between your left and your right brain there are these thin tissues which provoke emotions and if these tissues are damaged then this person will have no emotions.
At the back of my mind was thinking... "Wow! That's amzing!! Can I have that too?" Then she said, the poorest thing that can happen to a person is to live without emotions, as there will be no happiness; no excitment and no sympathy.
... still I think isn't it the coolest that could happened....

Grey skies,
Constant drizzle of rain...
Perfect day to stay inside.
My normal perfect weekend,
Woke up during lunch time,
Then follow with a nice cup of coffee...
Maybe do some light simple chores around the house...
Then go back to my room and start my DVD marathon....
Fighting over car parkings and line up at the checkout is the last thing that I want to do in a wet weekend...
Sorry, I got to admit...