The wedding was last month, however, I can still almost clearly remember the preparation of the wedding and what happened during the day of the big day 20th Dec. Well, actually I have watched the wedding video and so it brought back the memory.
Being one of cousin of the groom, you will definitely been assigned to a job or a role. So, as you can imagine everyone was busy with their own role on the day before the wedding. The 'leading car' was decorated by Sin and Nora...maybe some help from others, I wasn't quite sure but managed to rushed out to take some photos of the car.
As you can imagine anything can happen during this big day. My sister's (Ivy) wedding back in June reminded me of a movie call Forces of Nature. That was because we have to take a road trip to Sandakan couples of days earlier for the wedding and we have encountered rain and heavy haze during our road trip and reminded me so much of the movie. Of course in a funny way, was overall a good topic to talk about years later.
Then this time, Chester's wedding... This kinda reminded me of My Best Friend's Wedding. Not that there were anyone who jumped in the wedding trying to take the bride or the groom away. It's just all the preparations and then some of the dramas.
E.g. My MC partner almost didn't make it as he missed his flight during the busiest time of the year, luckily bought another two extra tickets with one transit and finally reached his destination.
Applause to MC Choon Sze!! lol....
Then our pianist only have one night to prepare for his procession music... Arrived on the 19th Dec evening and I picked him up from the airport, I think he managed to take a shower then straight away has to attend the rehersal with very little preparations. Then it turned out to be just as fine....
So another big applause to our pianist Chit Hen... (For a moment there, I felt like I was drift driver. Driving from the airport to the chapel not only once but twice during that evening.
Third hiccup of the event was.... the morning ceremony was due to start at 9am. The decorations of the marquee should be ready by 8am, however, bu 8am the helpers were still at home preparing themselves. I guess our family was pretty good at rushing at the last minutes, without not much of a problem the marquee was looking beautifully by 8:45am, according to the shedule.

Then this time, Chester's wedding... This kinda reminded me of My Best Friend's Wedding. Not that there were anyone who jumped in the wedding trying to take the bride or the groom away. It's just all the preparations and then some of the dramas.
E.g. My MC partner almost didn't make it as he missed his flight during the busiest time of the year, luckily bought another two extra tickets with one transit and finally reached his destination.
Then our pianist only have one night to prepare for his procession music... Arrived on the 19th Dec evening and I picked him up from the airport, I think he managed to take a shower then straight away has to attend the rehersal with very little preparations. Then it turned out to be just as fine....

Third hiccup of the event was.... the morning ceremony was due to start at 9am. The decorations of the marquee should be ready by 8am, however, bu 8am the helpers were still at home preparing themselves. I guess our family was pretty good at rushing at the last minutes, without not much of a problem the marquee was looking beautifully by 8:45am, according to the shedule.
haha,another big applause to you too.finally finish the story huh?like wat u written in ur just like a drama,besides those funny thing,who can ever forget our funny cousin whose "finger" can cover up the whole world?haha,nice to hang out wit u guys,hope to c the "cousin gang "to gather again .take care and all the best
Hahaha.. thanks la...
Yeah... just too much funnies during this trip. Oh... can't wait for the next hang out! ^o^
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