The hyper have been building up since the 30th July 07 when Fung helped me bought the pre-sale ticket.

Honestly, I am not much of a die-hard fan before as I can't really remember all their songs. However, the "preparation" prior the concert (three dose of Linkin Park per day) have made my affection towards them grow bigger and bigger by days. lol...
The day is finally here!!
Fung and I left work earlier and caught the bus down to the Vector Arena. When we arrived there were about 30+ people lined outside the gate.

Oh yea, first thing that we did as soon as we arrived was to get ourselves a t-shirt each. :) And oh yes, there were heaps of the fans wore their black tee with tight black jeans, with the emotional. I hope I don't look quite out of place... Coz I was too happy and hyper! lol...

We tried to capture our pre-concert look... WE WERE SO READY TO GO INSIDE AND ENJOY OURSEVLES!!! We were actually in the second row from the stage, from past experience I know this will not become a very squashy concert and I know we won't last for the whole show if we are going to stay here.
However, I have told myself that at least I have to take that close glimpse of LP before I give up my spot and go to the back of the crowd.
They opened the show with "Given Up".... awww... Chester sang out Put me out of my miseeeerrryyyy!!! Oh yes!!! CHESTER!!! MIKE!!!! I can see you... and when the second song comes up... I told myself "that's fine... I saw you this close and now I am going to enjoy the rest of my night at the back of the crowd!!" 'LET ME OUT PLEASE...' A strong security guy pulled me out from the crazy crowd and here I come joined Fung!
We have so much... ran outside for a quick beer and we come back for "What I've done"..............
After encho, they came back with "One Step Closer"...Oh my god!!!!!!! That's my favourite song and this time it has drove me crraaaaazyyyy! I was jumping! Screaming!! and shouting out "SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTTT UUUUUUUUUUP!!" Throughout the concert the whole place was like a massive choir, everyone sang out loud and we all jumped and screamed!
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