Have not been moaning and whining here for a while and just feel like whine a bit today...
There are a lot of times in our lives we are expecting something, maybe openly, publicly or some expectations in disguise. However, there are a lot of times when this expectations fail and we get dissapointed.
What if? These dissapointments keep occuring and these are coming from some of the people that are closest to you? Well, I do not know if whether any research or facts show that dissapointments will cause any heartache or hurt feelings? But, it certainly is doing some degree of damage to the feelings to the heart.
Just when "you think", this person will stand beside you when you needed supports, then you turned around, this person is standing on the opposite side.
Just when "you think", this person will say some encouraging words to you when you needed that lift after a failure. Instead this person might be giving you another step on the head.
Just when "you think", this person will put a hand on your shoulder instead of a hug to give you comfort when you are logging to feel that you are being loved. Instead maybe a slap across the face... (not literally but it's a metaphor)
Just when "you think"! Tough luck... toughen up yourself better than being soft cookies waiting to be pampered... You think la!
Happy Chinese New Year – Year of Cow Cow
HIiii!! Happy new year to all my friends. Knowing that there won’t be alot
of New Year’s celebrations or even the “feel” of it. Please allow me to
present ...
16 years ago
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